Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High
PMI Queensland is pleased to present a brand-new event series for 2025 - the PMI Queensland Book Club, an opportunity for project professionals to develop their non-technical skills through a facilitated group discussion of various personal development texts. Some tangible benefits:
- Opportunities for continuous learning through a curated list of personal development books focused on uplifting “soft-skills” and non-technical capabilities required for project management success.
- A shared learning experience in which members gain collective insights and share their experiences, delivered by a professional facilitator.
- Meaningful connections with like-minded project professionals with an interest in personal growth and developing a community.
Have you ever dreaded a difficult conversation? Perhaps you've put it off and hoped for the best, not wanting to upset the other person only to suffer the consequences later? Did you know that a project's failure can be predicted with 90% accuracy based on whether people engaged in the project can hold the relevant crucial conversations?
In February's not-to-be-missed book club event, we will dive into Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High, which was written by the four co-founders of VitalSmarts, Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler. This book was first published in 2002 by McGraw-Hill, with the second and third editions published in 2012 and 2022 respectively.
Marija will lead us into a discussion that will unpack:
- What are crucial conversations, and why do they matter?
- Principles for essential conversations.
- Effective communication strategies.
Event Sponsor
Microsoft Teams Meetings
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Questions / Feedback
If you have any questions about our events or would like to provide feedback, please get in touch with us at or contact Roosevelt Dias, Chief Executive Officer, at or +61 406 096 907.
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